Scaling and Root Planing

This extensive cleaning treatment is provided by your hygienist for patients who have tartar, calculus, and bacteria buried below the gum line on the tooth. Your regular tooth brushing and flossing removes the tartar that is above the gum line of your tooth. Scaling and root planing helps treat periodontal disease. This technique is most often used when the gum pockets at your tooth have a measurement that is greater than 3mm, (the average pocket depth is less than 3mm). When tartar and calculus attach to your tooth below the gum line, they pull the gum tissue away from the tooth and can cause bone loss, creating the deep pocket. The tartar and calculus must be removed so the gum can heal and so the pocket can close. to less than 3mm. If not treated, the tartar and bacteria will begin to cause periodontal disease, deteriorating your bone, tissue, and teeth.

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